Laser Hair Removal Specialist

McGuiness Dermatology & Plastic Surgery
Dermatologists and Aesthetic Specialists located in , Flower Mound, Plano, Prosper, Murphy & Richardson, TX
If you’re tired of maintenance and skin irritations that come with shaving, plucking, and waxing, McGuiness Dermatology & Plastic Surgery has your answer. Its team of expert dermatologists offers laser hair removal with the Cutera® excel® HR at six convenient offices located in Plano, Flower Mound, Prosper, and Murphy, Texas. To free yourself from the burdens of hair removal, call or book an appointment online.
Laser Hair Removal Q & A
What is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is one of the most popular and well-established treatments in cosmetic dermatology. Several different lasers are available, but the team at McGuiness Dermatology & Plastic Surgery use the Cutera excel HR, a premium laser technology that’s proven safe and effective for all skin types.How does the Cutera excel HR work?
The excel HR system combines the gold standard of laser wavelengths for optimal hair removal. This laser utilizes separate wavelengths to treat both fine hair on fair skin and coarse hair on dark or tanned skin. Laser energy penetrates the tissues beneath the surface of your skin, deactivating the hair growth at the follicle. Since follicles cycle through periods of hair growth and dormancy, you will need multiple treatments for optimal results. Cutera excel HR also continuously cools your skin with sapphire contact cooling technology. This maximizes your comfort and safety throughout treatment.What areas can the Cutera excel HR treat?
FaceAdjustable spot sizes allow the Cutera excel HR to treat a variety of areas on your body. The team at McGuiness Dermatology & Plastic Surgery uses this laser to remove hair in most parts of the body, including:- Back
- Chest
- Bikini area
- Underarms
- Neck
- Shoulders
What should I expect from a laser hair removal treatment?

What we offer