Questions answered about Botox

What is Botox?

Botox, or Botulinum toxin type A, is a commercial neurotoxin that reduces muscle movement and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Basically, it paralyzes your facial muscles. That sounds scary, but it’s temporary. It’s also totally safe. In fact, Botox is one of the most studied and tested medical aesthetic treatments out there.

Is Botox preventative?

Yes! To me, this is the most exciting thing about Botox. We are ALL about prevention.
Imagine your skin like a piece of paper. As you fold a piece of paper over and over, the deeper the creases get. With Botox, your skin doesn’t fold along those lines repeatedly, which means that wrinkles can’t form.

What are Botox’s pre and post-treatment instructions?

Before getting Botox, avoid Retin-A, waxing, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, herbal supplements, and Omega-3 capsules for a few days to prevent topical reactions and bruising.
After Botox, it’s possible you will experience light bruising (I’ve barely had this though, and I bruise REALLY easily). You can apply an ice pack if you need, but I haven’t found it necessary. Avoid exercise and direct sunlight for the day.

How common is Botox?

More common than you think, especially because most people keep it on the DL and it’s becoming more and more common. There were over 7 million Botox procedures in 2016 (up 4% from 2015, and 854% from 2000). It’s also becoming increasingly common for men.

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